Fujitsu teams up with Vault Systems to go after government cloud

Author:OMO Release Date: 2018年6月8日

Fujitsu has partnered with Vault Systems to pitch cloud services at Australian government agencies.

Built upon Vault's protected-level ASD certified infrastructure, Fujitsu will offer software-, infrastructure-, backup-, and desktop-as-a-service to government users.

"Fujitsu will fully manage the platform in accordance with the relevant controls, software-as-a-service (SaaS) capability, service desk, and support for government customers," the company said.

Fujitsu touted its protected government desktop-as-a-service product as the first virtual desktop infrastructure run off an Australian-certified protected cloud.

"With Vault's ASD-certified cloud, we can guarantee that the Australian government's data stays protected on a sovereign cloud under Australian jurisdiction," said Vault Systems founder and CEO Rupert Taylor-Price.

In March last year, Vault Systems was among the first pair of vendors to gain protected-level ASD Certification, along with Sliced Tech.

Macquarie Government recieved its protected-level accreditation in September, and Microsoft gained its status in April this year.