Short Interest in Xilinx, Inc. (XLNX) Expands By 35.9%

Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年2月19日

Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX) was the recipient of a significant growth in short interest in the month of January. As of January 29th, there was short interest totalling 7,185,257 shares, a growth of 35.9% from the January 15th total of 5,287,060 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 4,717,754 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 1.5 days. Currently, 2.8% of the company’s shares are short sold.

In other Xilinx news, Director John Michael Patterson sold 12,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, February 16th. The stock was sold at an average price of $48.09, for a total value of $577,080.00. Following the transaction, the director now owns 14,060 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $676,145.40. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. Also, Director Marshall C. Turner sold 10,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, December 1st. The shares were sold at an average price of $50.00, for a total value of $500,000.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 33,384 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,669,200.

Several hedge funds recently modified their holdings of XLNX. Jay D. Rosenbaum increased its stake in shares of Xilinx by 1.2% in the fourth quarter. Jay D. Rosenbaum now owns 21,275 shares of the programmable devices maker’s stock valued at $999,000 after buying an additional 250 shares during the period. Meeder Asset Management increased its stake in shares of Xilinx by 22.4% in the fourth quarter. Meeder Asset Management now owns 29,562 shares of the programmable devices maker’s stock valued at $1,389,000 after buying an additional 5,412 shares during the period. Capstone Asset Management Company increased its stake in shares of Xilinx by 3.3% in the fourth quarter. Capstone Asset Management Company now owns 22,051 shares of the programmable devices maker’s stock valued at $1,036,000 after buying an additional 705 shares during the period. Filament bought a new stake in shares of Xilinx during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $363,000. Finally, First American Bank increased its stake in shares of Xilinx by 0.6% in the fourth quarter. First American Bank now owns 22,802 shares of the programmable devices maker’s stock valued at $1,071,000 after buying an additional 130 shares during the period.

Several equities analysts have weighed in on the company. Goldman Sachs lowered Xilinx from a “conviction-buy” rating to a “buy” rating and increased their target price for the company from $48.50 to $54.00 in a research note on Tuesday, February 2nd. Pacific Crest reissued an “overweight” rating and issued a $60.00 target price on shares of Xilinx in a research note on Tuesday, January 26th. JMP Securities reissued an “outperform” rating and issued a $55.00 target price on shares of Xilinx in a research note on Wednesday, January 27th. MKM Partners reissued a “neutral” rating and issued a $46.00 target price on shares of Xilinx in a research note on Wednesday, January 27th. Finally, Nomura reaffirmed a “hold” rating on shares of Xilinx in a research report on Tuesday, January 26th. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, fifteen have given a hold rating, eight have assigned a buy rating and one has given a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. The company presently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $48.88.

Shares of Xilinx opened at 48.82 on Thursday. The company’s 50-day moving average price is $46.47 and its 200 day moving average price is $45.46. The firm has a market capitalization of $12.48 billion and a PE ratio of 24.31. Xilinx has a 12-month low of $38.73 and a 12-month high of $50.72.

Xilinx (NASDAQ:XLNX) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, January 20th. The programmable devices maker reported $0.49 earnings per share for the quarter, hitting analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.49. The firm had revenue of $566 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $554.50 million. During the same period last year, the company posted $0.62 earnings per share. The firm’s quarterly revenue was down 4.6% compared to the same quarter last year. On average, equities analysts forecast that Xilinx will post $2.05 earnings per share for the current year.

The company also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, March 16th. Investors of record on Wednesday, March 2nd will be paid a dividend of $0.31 per share. This represents a $1.24 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 2.54%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Monday, February 29th.

Xilinx, Inc designs and develops programmable devices and associated technologies. The Company’s programmable devices and associated technologies include integrated circuits (IC) in the form of programmable logic devices (PLD); software design tools to program the PLDs; targeted reference designs; printed circuit boards, and intellectual property (IP), which consists of Xilinx, and third-party verification and IP cores.

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