Clive Meanwell, an Insider in The Medicines Company (NASDAQ:MDCO), Unloaded 10000 shares of the Company

Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年5月19日

Clive Meanwell Insider Sell

Considering the deal Clive Meanwell made he is in the stock market focus today. The CEO of Medicines Co De and an insider, unloaded 10,000 shares worth $350,000 U.S Dollars. The average price was $35.0 per share. He also sold shares valued at $ USD in the last month. This significant sale was filled on May 18, 2016 and is freely available for public review on the Washington-based Security and Exchange Commission’s website. The chance of this sell remaining unnoticed is very little as it’s significant one, with Clive Meanwell now possessing 338,790 shares —- that is 0.48% of the Company’s market cap.

Out of 10 analysts covering The Medicines Co (NASDAQ:MDCO), 8 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 2 “Hold”. This means 80% are positive. $65 is the highest target while $42 is the lowest. The $48.6 average target is 38.92% above today’s ($36.59) stock price. The Medicines Co has been the topic of 11 analyst reports since August 28, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Chardan Capital Markets maintained the stock on March 21 with “Buy” rating. Leerink Swann maintained the shares of MDCO in a report on August 31 with “Buy” rating.

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.2 in Q4 2015. Its up 0.28, from 0.92 in 2015Q3. The ratio is positive, as 29 funds sold all The Medicines Company shares owned while 56 reduced positions. 28 funds bought stakes while 74 increased positions. They now own 82.72 million shares or 6.28% more from 77.83 million shares in 2015Q3.

According to TipRanks which ranks over 7,500 financial analysts and bloggers based on how well their calls perform, the analyst consensus on Medicines Co. is Strong Buy and the average price target is $53.00, representing a %0.49upside. The data is based on 6 analysts that rated Medicines Co. in the last 3 months.

Sarissa Capital Management Lp holds 11.38% of its portfolio in The Medicines Company for 1.57 million shares. Antipodean Advisors Llc owns 1.75 million shares or 9.51% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Camber Capital Management Llc has 5.31% invested in the company for 2.20 million shares. The New York-based Bridger Management Llc has invested 3.6% in the stock. Ashford Capital Management Inc, a Delaware-based fund reported 397,415 shares.

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