Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年5月3日

Sentiment for Avago Technologies LTD (NASDAQ:AVGO)

Avago Technologies LTD (NASDAQ:AVGO) institutional sentiment decreased to 0.9 in Q4 2015. Its down -0.28, from 1.18 in 2015Q3. The ratio dropped, as 284 funds opened new or increased equity positions, while 314 trimmed and sold equity positions in Avago Technologies LTD. The funds in our partner’s database now own: 219.25 million shares, down from 235.35 million shares in 2015Q3. Also, the number of funds holding Avago Technologies LTD in their top 10 equity positions decreased from 35 to 31 for a decrease of 4. Sold All: 125 Reduced: 189 Increased: 211 New Position: 73.

Broadcom Limited is a semiconductor company. The company has a market cap of $55.88 billion. The Firm offers a range of products in end-markets, including wired infrastructure, wireless communications, enterprise storage, and industrial and others. It has a 28.73 P/E ratio. The Company’s products are used in various applications, including data center networking, home connectivity, broadband access, telecommunications equipment, smartphones and base stations, data center servers and storage, factory automation, power generation and alternative energy systems, and displays.

About 563,214 shares traded hands. Broadcom Ltd (NASDAQ:AVGO) has risen 17.45% since September 24, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 10.56% the S&P500.






According to Zacks Investment Research, “Broadcom Limited is a designer, developer and supplier of analog and digital semiconductor connectivity solutions. The company provides data center networking, home connectivity, broadband access, telecommunications equipment, smartphones and base stations, data center servers and storage, factory automation, power generation and alternative energy systems and displays. It serves wired infrastructure, wireless communications, enterprise storage and industrial & other market. Broadcom Limited, formerly known as Avago Technologies Limited, is headquartered in Singapore.”

Silver Lake Group L.L.C. holds 28.24% of its portfolio in Broadcom Ltd for 13.76 million shares. Crescent Park Management L.P. owns 447,177 shares or 12.87% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Adi Capital Management Llc has 12.82% invested in the company for 152,030 shares. The New York-based Brenner West Capital Advisors Llc has invested 11.91% in the stock. Permian Investment Partners Lp, a New York-based fund reported 414,133 shares.#img1#

Ratings analysis reveals 97% of Avago Technologies Limited’s analysts are positive. Out of 27 Wall Street analysts rating Avago Technologies Limited, 28 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 1 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $150 while the high is $200. The stock’s average target of $179.04 is 12.31% above today’s ($145.32) share price. AVGO was included in 45 notes of analysts from August 4, 2015. Cowen & Co initiated the shares of Avago Technologies Limited in a note on April 18 with “Outperform” rating. Topeka Capital Markets initiated AVGO’s stock on a February 16. Topeka Capital Markets has “Hold” rating and $130 PR. M Partners maintained Avago Technologies Limited’s stock on February 24 with “Buy” rating. Craig Hallum initiated it ^with/to4^ “Buy” rating and $175 PT in February 4 note. Finally, JP Morgan upgraded the shares of Avago Technologies Limited to “Overweight” rating in a February 16 note.

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