Linear Technology Corporation (NASDAQ:LLTC) Shorted Shares Increased By 1.66%

Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年4月19日

The stock of Linear Technology Corporation (NASDAQ:LLTC) registered an increase of 1.66% in short interest. LLTC’s total short interest was 10.36M shares in April as published by FINRA. Its up 1.66% from 10.20 million shares, reported previously. With 1.63M shares average volume, it will take short sellers 6 days to cover their LLTC’s short positions. The short interest to Linear Technology Corporation’s float is 4.38%. The stock decreased 0.33% or $0.15 during the last trading session, hitting $44.79. About 1.60 million shares traded hands. Linear Technology Corporation (NASDAQ:LLTC) has risen 10.40% since September 11, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 3.82% the S&P500.

Linear Technology Corporation is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing a line of analog integrated circuits for companies across the world. The company has a market cap of $10.68 billion. The Company’s principal product categories include Amplifiers, High Speed Amplifiers, Voltage Regulators, Voltage References, Interface, Data Converters, Battery Stack Monitors, Silicon Oscillators and Timer Blox, Phase Locked Loop Synthesizers and Clock Distribution, SmartMesh Embedded Wireless Sensor Network, Isolated uModule Transceivers, Radio Frequency Circuits, Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Controllers, uModule Power Products, Signal Chain uModule Products and Others. It has 21.9 P/E ratio. The SmartMesh IP and SmartMesh WirelessHART technology offers wireless network solutions using low power electronic components, board level products with mesh networking and software addressing applications.

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.05 in Q4 2015. Its up 0.06, from 0.99 in 2015Q3. The ratio increased, as 40 funds sold all Linear Technology Corporation shares owned while 171 reduced positions. 64 funds bought stakes while 158 increased positions. They now own 224.98 million shares or 7.96% more from 208.40 million shares in 2015Q3.

Armstrong Henry H Associates Inc holds 7.96% of its portfolio in Linear Technology Corporation for 957,275 shares. Generation Investment Management Llp owns 12.37 million shares or 6.75% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Dudley & Shanley Llc has 6.08% invested in the company for 647,040 shares. The New York-based R.M.Sincerbeaux Capital Management Llc has invested 3.9% in the stock. Marathon Asset Management Llp, a United Kingdom-based fund reported 2.82 million shares.

Since April 22, 2015, the stock had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $115,551 net activity. Zerio Donald P sold 3,000 shares worth $133,650. Quarles David A sold 2,500 shares worth $115,551. Swanson Robert H Jr sold 5,739 shares worth $262,490. Dobkin Robert C sold 10,000 shares worth $408,600. The insider Reay Robert sold 60,000 shares worth $2.82 million.

Out of 16 analysts covering Linear Technology Corporation (NASDAQ:LLTC), 0 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means NaN are positive. Linear Technology Corporation was the topic in 16 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

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